Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Hilton Head: Where Rules are Meant to be Broken, and Somebody, Please Install Some Lights on that Island Before We All Get Ourselves Killed

Yep, it’s that time again, where I force you to listen to all the fun I had on Hilton Head Island, where I spent 5 days with David and his gracious hosts of parents, Nancy and Roger. We had a grand time: took walks on the beach, ate great seafood, biked a bit, and made two day trips to Beaufort, SC and Savannah, GA. My only regret is that I lost camera juice and so I took rien de photos of Savannah. Fortunately, we didn’t hear "The South will rise again" once, nor did we see any confederate flags. I don’t think the HH "rules and regulations" handbook would’ve allowed for them. HH is a nice place, I suppose, if you golf or play tennis with a manic streak. Pics: David, doing lord knows what pose on the beach, then D and Roger chillin' in the cafe,

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