Thursday, July 12, 2007

I Think I May Have Made History

If you know me, then you are familiar with my proclivity/propensity/whatever you call it,
towards bakeries. You might also know that I used to run regularly, when I
lived in Boston. Lately, I run when I can, and there seems to be no time, so TODAY, I decided to start my running routine (30 minutes) in the morning-before work-to get it out of the way.

On this day, July 12, 2007, I may have made bakery history, or perhaps running history. And here's how: When I started running this morning, I wasn't feeling it. Not in the groove, not having it. No inspiration..until I saw the OPEN sign of a new bakery near where I live. So, after 8 minutes of half-assed jogging, I stopped into this local bakery--I did have to order a cake anyway--and placed my mid-jog order.

I think I need to write Running magazine, or Bakery Monthly...probably the latter.

Thought you all could envision this Tina T. scenario in your head. You'll be amused to know, in the interest of "serious" running, I did stop my stopwatch, waited until I was done perusing the goods in the bakery, and finished my pseudo-run after my order:-)

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